Our Aims

The association has been established to fulfill and maintain the Royal Charter of 1660.  This includes the current Marquess of Downshire who bears the title Hereditary Constable of Hillsborough Fort and the pleasure of raising and maintaining a Guard in line with the aforementioned charter. Also, to promote, research and educate in social and military history, particularly such history as is relevant to the development and story of Hillsborough village, Hillsborough Fort and its surrounding environs.

The  associations objectives include :

A:  To provide historical awareness, knowledge and education about the Hillsborough Fort Guard, its military and social  history, traditions and culture within the community.

B:  Through educational talks, exhibitions and visits to promote the advancement of education amongst the association's  members and the wider community.

C:  Support, encourage and promote tourism by providing an attraction (living history) to enhance and add value to the  Hillsborough visitor experience. 

D:  Support community development and educational initiatives which help address the needs of the association and the local/wider community.



Ceremony of the Keys

Join the Fort Guard in the historical Ceremony of the Keys at Hillsborough Fort. The event will take place on saturday 2nd March 2024 at  2.15pm begining at the Fort Guard headqurters in the grounds of Hillsborough Parish Church . Some light refreshments and a historic talk about the Fort Guard and the Ceremony of the Keys before a guided tour to Hillsborough Fort to witness the Ceremony of the keys. We will finish off with a complimentary drink in the Hillside in the Fort Guard mess.  To book your place at £20 per person please use link below.    


Friends of the Hillsborough Fort Guard

Become a Friend of the Hillsborough Fort Guard, for a £20 annual subscription recieve a quarterly E-news letter and 10% discount on our items for sale, as well as early access to new items for sale. Click the Pay Now button below to recieve your welcome pack or click Pay Now on the silver plan to donate amounts higher than £20 and begin supporting us and enabling  the Fort Guard to continue our traditions and expand our numbers to the full compliment of Warders.

Hillsborough Fort Guard

Guard on the steps of Hillsborough Parish Church.


Appointment of new Fort Warders

After over 100 years six new Fort Warders were appointed on the 31st July 2021. The 9th Marquess of Downshire, Constable of Hillsborough Fort issued six new Warders their official Warrants in a ceremony at Hillsborough Fort. This was a culmination of over 10 years hard work by the men, the Marquess  of Downshire and Hillsborough Old Guard (Historical Society), reviving the Warders to work alongside Fort Guard Bugler Andrew Carlisle whose position was retained by successive Marquesses, keeping the Hillsborough Fort Guard Alive.


New Online Shop.

Click on Button below to buy items or Donate to help keep the traditions of the Fort Guard Alive.


A Sunday afternoon stroll around the village.

Fort Guard 17.04.21.mp4

The Fort Guard paid their respects on behalf of the Marquess of Downshire and the local community of Hillsborough to His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh on the 17th  April 2021 at 3pm at the village War Memorial.